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Work Routine Management

Gerenciamento da Rotina do Trabalho

Also known as Management by the Organization or Line Management or "Daily Work Routine Management", GRD is a practice of quality control based on standardization. It seeks to establish, maintain and improve standards to meet the needs of organizations and people. It means also follow norms and avoid alterations or changes If the work routine is well constructed, the product or service will present the same quality standard at the desired cost levels.

Why implement the GRD

Gerenciamento da Rotina do Trabalho

GRD offers the tools to help control the various elements of the processes, improving results and consequently the company's profits!

1 - The base of the work of any company is the Work Routine Management, therefore, all the company's results result from the work performed by this management.

2 - The DRM is an activity that seeks maintenance (reliability) and incremental improvement (competitiveness) of the level of control (results).

Results achieved with the implementation:
  • Diagnosis

  • Problems identified

  • Identified causes

  • Critical processes mapped

  • Definition of the business performed

  • defined goals

  • Standards for elaborated critical processes

  • Treatment of implemented anomalies

  • Consolidated Action Plans

  • Indicator tree

  • Monitoring system implemented

  • Spot management implemented

Gerencimento d Rotinado Trabalho
Steps involved:

Our team of consultants and their team of collaborators will develop a multidisciplinary work, oriented towards the pursuit of excellence, through the implementation of the DRM system, according to the macro steps in the flowchart on the side.

Gerenciamento da Rotina de Tabalho
Training topics for dissemination of the DRM:
  • Basic structure of a company's management system

  • How to build and implement a system of indicators

  • How to manage to improve process results

  • How to standardize and eliminate anomalies

  • How to manage to stabilize company results

  • How to handle nonconformities

  • How to monitor results

  • How to eliminate sources of loss and reduce costs

  • Importance of people in process management

  • Managers and Leadership Systems

  • People-Centered Workplace and Empowerment

Gerenciamento d Rotina do Trabalho
  • Training - complete and short-learning to raise awareness of shareholders, directors and managers up to operational levels

  • Advanced statistical techniques for process and quality control

  • Quantitative methods for building performance indicators and controllership techniques

  • Standardization of procedures, SOPs and quality standards

  • Audits and implementation of systems and inspections

  • Electronic document management and quality management and indicator monitoring software

  • Structuring continuous improvement teams and audit teams

  • HR Techniques for Behavioral Change and Leadership Development

  • Process mapping

  • Implementation of budgets and PRCs - Cost Reduction Programs

Valini & Associados seeks with its methodologies to help companies from the most diverse sectors of activity to introduce and integrate new management models that help improve management and results. GRD is a modern business management tool that will bring great results for your company. For more information contact us by phone and email below.

Headquarters - São Paulo - SP

Rua George Ohm, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, Cidade Monções - São Paulo - CEP: 04576-020   | (11) 2450-7488

Commercial Whatsapp (11) 93011-1501


Branch - Ribeirão Preto - SP

Branch: Rua José Bianchi, 555, conj. 2104 - Ribeirão Preto – SP (16) 4141-3091


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