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Sistemas de Informações Gerenciais

Um Sistema de Informações Gerenciais (SIG) é essencial para as organizações, pois simplifica o processo de coleta, processamento e análise de dados, o que auxilia na tomada de decisões mais informadas. Ele permite o acesso a dados em tempo real, ajudando os gestores a monitorar operações, analisar tendências e identificar áreas de melhoria. Nós auxiliamos sua empresa a definir, formatar, consolidar e treinar seus funcionários de como gerenciar sua empresa com estes indicadores.

With our management knowledge transfer philosophy, we offer your company an integrated solution, so that you can manage your business through economic, financial, control and performance indicators information so that you can make safe decisions.

Our Management Information System model is adaptable to the characteristics of small and medium-sized companies in relation to their business and their culture. This system helps your managers to make safe decisions at the strategic, tactical and operational levels with accurate and reliable information

Management Information System
Simple, practical and with little bureaucracy
Simple, practical and with little bureaucracy
Vision integrated with
analysis of the internal and external environment.
Reliable information at the right time
Safe Decisions

GRN is a financial management information system that enables safe, practical and reliable analysis of the following variables: Profitability, Profitability, Organization's Performance Indicators and Control information. The basic set of information is structured as follows:


Results analysis

The processing of information by the GRN will allow:

  • The company will analyze its activities by the contribution margin approach;

  • Know the results of your business units;

  • Understand your Break-Even Point (balance point);

  • Understand the relationships between income and expenses;

  • Understand the results of your sales channels;

  • Know your cost of capital;

  • Understand the formation of working capital;

  • Understand the price x profit relationship;

  • Product portfolio analysis;

  • The impact of fixed expenses on the result.

Possible analyzes for decision making:

  • Analyze the profitability x invested capital relationship;

  • Analyze liquidity, ie NCG (Working Capital Need);

  • Working capital analysis x your invested capital;

  • Define and understand asset turnover;

  • Awakening to the analysis of the company in relation to its competitors;

  • If the company is generating value;

  • Awakening to strategic issues regarding products, markets, technologies and trends.

Análise Gerencial

Performance indicators








“Achieving consistent, long-term results is a fundamental objective for most companies. Successfully carrying out this task is essential so that it can provide adequate remuneration for the capital invested by shareholders, pay interest and principal on its debts and maintain productive relationships with customers and suppliers.”

[Michel Fleuriet]







Bills to receive



Regando prosperidade

Know the real situation of the company;
Know new concepts in finance;
Systemically administer the company;
Improve the business through the use of information;
Control of expenses and costs;
To be able to build a business model that enables sustainable growth using reliable and strategic information.

If your company has deficiencies, inconsistencies or does not yet have a structured set of tactical and strategic information, please contact us. Let's go to your company to demonstrate our work methodology.

Headquarters - São Paulo - SP

George Ohm Street, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, Cidade Monções - São Paulo - SP CEP: 04576-020

[email protected]   +55 (11) 2450-7488

Commercial Whatsapp +55 (11) 99635-9488

Ribeirão Preto - Office

Srg. Sílvio Delmar Hollenbach Street, 865, cj 4, Nova Ribeirânea 
[email protected] 
Fone:  +55 (16) 98238-0110 +55 (16) 3635-6325

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