Currently, managing the accounting, tax and labor areas is one of the most complex activities in companies. In this context, excessive bureaucracy, various changes in legislation, lack of adequate processes and systems, and the need to have specialized professionals, are some of the reasons given to justify the outsourcing of these areas, which has been the choice of a increasing number of companies.
Mainly in small and medium-sized companies, ancillary tasks and administrative, accounting and tax routines end up taking a large part of the time of entrepreneurs and main managers, causing them to leave aside the activities that create value for their business, to take care of these areas .
Thinking about all these variables, outsourcing (BPO Business Process Outsorcing) has become a safe option for companies of different sectors and sizes, because, when hiring this type of service, the entrepreneur will be able to count on a highly professional team updated in accounting, tax, labor and management legislation, prepared to provide the necessary support to all activities related to these areas, being responsible for monitoring tasks, fiscal and labor accounting closings until the delivery and validation of all federal obligations , state and municipal.
This work can be performed with our employees allocated in your organization, or through the collection of documents with or without systems integration and processing in our management center.
Valini & Associados offers management outsourcing services in the accounting, tax, labor, costs and finance areas, offering a combination of services that best suits your company.
Preparation of Social Contracts in accordance with the NEW CIVIL CODE;
Analysis for better framing of your company;
Opening and Regularization of Companies: Commerce, Industries, Service Providers, Self-Employed, Individual, Micro-enterprises, Small, Medium and Large Companies, Cooperatives, NGOs and OSCIPs;
Change of Companies: Corporate Name, Corporate Purpose, Partners, Capital Contribution, among others;
Closing of Companies: registration with government agencies (Federal, State and Municipal), and regulators (JUCESP, - - Secretariats of Finance, CRM, CRO, CREA, among others.);
Obtaining Operating License and licenses from the City Hall;
Foreign Capital Registration (BACEN);
Importer/Exporter Registration (RADAR);
Records in Class Bodies: CORCESP, CRF, CRM, etc.
Registration of Trademarks and Patents;
Registration with the State Health Surveillance, ANVISA, IBAMA and CETESB;
Registration of SICAF and its follow-up with periodic renewals;
CADAN License;
Consultation Term and Municipal Operating License Certificate;
CNES National Register of Health Establishments.;
Assistance to MEI – Individual Microentrepreneur.
The tax department is able to provide information regarding the entire routine of issuing invoices and their impact on the calculation of all taxes: ICMS, IPI, ISS, PIS, COFINS and Simples Nacional, always based on current legislation.
Tax Assistance
The tax department provides the following services:
Guidance and assistance in filling out all types of invoices;
Preparation of ICMS, IPI, ISS, PIS, COFINS and SIMPLES National Guides;
Bookkeeping Records of Entry, Exit, Inventory, Calculation of ICMS,
Calculation of the IPI, Provision of Services, always observing changes in legislation and their respective deadlines;
Control of ICMS credit on Fixed Assets;
Preparation and delivery of the following obligations: GIA, DS, DES, DISS, GISS, DAME and DIF - Immune Paper;
Guidance on the limits of the Simples Nacional and its respective particularities;
Request for installment payment of ISS and ICMS;
Compliance with State (ICMS) and Municipal (ISS) Inspection;
Request for AIDF Eletrônica - Authorization to Print Tax Document;
Registration of ECFs and their due changes, with the Electronic Tax Office;
Fiscal Diagnosis;
Tax audit.
Human Resources
Our Personnel Management team is qualified to provide any and all personnel management services for your company. From the recruitment and selection of professionals, to the hiring of employees, going through the entire routine of payroll, social charges, labor and social security obligations, to the termination of employment contracts.
Labor and Social Security Assistance
Admission Procedures
Registration of employees in Books and/or Registration Sheets; •
Preparation of employment contract;
Elaboration of agreement for extension and compensation of hours;
Elaboration of the transportation voucher option term;
Elaboration of family salary form and term of responsibility for family salary;
Preparation of CTPS delivery and return receipt;
Preparation of learning contracts;
Preparation of timetable for employees;
Update of work portfolios.
Regularization of Registrations with Caixa Econômica Federal
Registration of employees with the PIS (Social Integration Program);
Completion and preparation of data rectification Forms: RDE (Employer data rectification), RDT (Employee data rectification), PTC (Account Transfer Request), RDF (Correctification with FGTS return).
Computerized monthly processing
Preparation of employee payroll, pro-labore and self-employed, net and bank ratio;
Preparation of Payment Receipt to Self-Employed - RPA;
Development of social security guides - GPS;
Preparation of IRRF guides on salaried, pro-labore and self-employed persons;
Preparation of FGTS - SEFIP guides and data transmission via social connectivity;
Preparation of employee union contribution;
Preparation of employer and employee assistance contribution;
Preparation of payroll for 13th salary - 1st and 2nd installments;
Preparation of individual and collective vacation receipts;
Calculation of overdue taxes and contributions;
Preparation and delivery of payroll and pro-labore receipts;
Preparation of maternity pay form;
Completion and preparation of documents for Social Security: Notice of Accident at Work - CAT, Claim for disability benefit, among others.
Dismissal Procedures
Elaboration of the Term of Termination of the Employment Contract;
Preparation of Prior Notice Indemnified and/or worked;
Preparation of the GRRF (FGTS Termination Collection Guide) via social connectivity;
filling out unemployment insurance forms;
Registration of the movement of workers with the FGTS, via social connectivity;
Issuance of FGTS extracts via social connectivity; Guidance on the dismissal medical examination and preparation of the PPP
Representation with Trade Unions and Ministry of Labor
Working hours compensation agreement protocol with the union and DRT (Regional Labor Office);
Guidance and follow-up regarding the drafting of the agreement of Law 10,101 (Profit Sharing) with unions;
Approval of Contract Terminations with Trade Unions and Ministries of Labor;
Attendance and monitoring of Labor Inspection and Social Security;
Calculation of salary readjustments through Collective Bargaining Agreements of Union Entities;
Protocol of request for Collective Vacations with the Ministry of Labor and Union.
Preparation and delivery of Annual and Ancillary obligations with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil
DIRF - Withholding Income Tax Declaration;
Preparation of earnings report for salaried, self-employed and pro-labore employees.
Preparation and delivery of Monthly and Annual Obligations with the Ministry of Labor and Employment
Registration of hired and fired people – CAGED;
Preparation and preparation of the RAIS (Annual Social Information Report).
Guidance on Current Legislation
Guidance on labor, social security and FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) legislation;
Guidance on procedures for retirement.
Our accounting structure is ready to meet your company's legal needs. Through our work format, we can help you transform your company's accounting into a powerful tool, capable of providing vital information for the success of your business. Below we have the main topics composed by our services:
Bookkeeping, analysis and reconciliation of the entire accounting movement with the use of tools/reports, optimized by importing files generated internally in our clients, processing this data for all clients regardless of the tax regime;
Survey and calculation of revenue earned by customers who work with the recognition of revenue by the cash system, through the confrontation of contracts, receipts and bank transactions;
Accounting registration of sub-accounts as required by accounting standards (Law 12973/2014);
Elaboration of questionnaires referring to IBGE's annual survey regarding industry, commerce and services, with economic, financial and product information.
Preparation of monthly rendering of accounts for entities that receive municipal grants.
Annual rendering of accounts for entities with municipal, state, federal public utilities and also for entities that are exempt from payment of the employer's INSS quota;
Preparation of periodic Trial Balances, obeying the tax regime and customer needs;
Annual/Quarterly preparation of the Balance Sheet and DRE for all clients, structured according to accounting/fiscal standards, in order to meet the layout of all ancillary obligations already included within the SPED environment (ECD/ECF), also required by the accounting department;
Preparation of additional reports and inclusion of them in ancillary obligations such as SPED CONTÁBIL (ECD), even if optional by the tax authorities, such as: DFC (Statement of cash flow), DMPL (Statement of Changes in Equity), Minutes of meeting of partners held for approval of the balance sheet, Explanatory Notes and Technical Responsibility Letter;
Calculation and calculation of IRPJ/CSLL for companies taxed on the Annual Taxable Income (with monthly or quarterly estimate) and preparation of the e-LALUR;
Preparation and release of Income Reports of individuals/legal entities that make up the corporate structure of Legal Entities, as well as clients classified as "Self-employed";
Preparation of a Cash Book/Leão Payment Book for customers who wish to collect/control monthly their income and expenses for the advance and payment of IRPF, according to current legislation;
Issuance of DECORE (Proof Statement of Income Perception) based on accounting data, avoiding possible questioning by the tax authorities, and in order to meet the requirements of financial institutions, providing together with this all supporting accounting documents, supporting the information provided in said declaration;
Control of ancillary obligations relevant to the accounting department, such as: SPED ECD and ECF;
Issuance and Control of Accounting Books, such as: Diary and General Ledger; currently waived for taxpayers who have delivered the SPED (ECD), such as Simples Nacional companies.
Our legal department is able to serve your company in the following areas:
Corporate dissolution;
Administrative defenses and objections to tax assessment notices (Federal, State and Municipal) in the First Instance; Appeals: Tax and Fees Court (TIT) and Taxpayers Council of the Ministry of Finance in Second Instance; Written consultation and spontaneous reporting; Request for Special Regime;
Tax Compliance Certificates
Negative, Positive and Positive with negative effects, for individuals and companies in all spheres.
Monitoring of Inspections
Advice and consultancy for monitoring inspections at the Municipal level, providing all the necessary support to the client.
Tax Liability Management
Survey of tax debts with the Federal, Social Security, State and Municipal Tax Authorities, creating a tax liability management policy and monitoring of changes in legislation that may benefit the customer (amnesties, reduction of fines, special installments, etc.);