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Crafting your strategy with execution


With our team of consultants, we help and guide you and your executive team to develop an integrated strategic plan that creates clarity and consensus in defining the paths for the success and future of your business. Just as important, our approach to working and preparing strategic plans orchestrates the involvement of your key stakeholders in a way that will optimize the chances of successful plan implementation. And as any executive leader knows, a strategic plan is only as good as your ability to execute it effectively.

For more than fifteen years, we've helped our clients and executives develop comprehensive, reality-based, accountable, and action-oriented strategic plans across diverse industries and business situations. Our experience and flexibility allows us to design an approach that meets the requirements and operational constraints of your business through strategic plan reviews as well as creating a strategic plan from scratch.

Our methodology is perfectly suited for either a company that is developing a strategic plan for the first time or whose existing plan requires a completely new vision. Below we describe the pillars of our strategic planning process:

  • Open, pragmatic and fact-based assessment of the company's current and future operating environment;

  • Planning and execution of the work properly customized to the reality of each client and structured through conferences and teamwork that will be conducted by experienced consultants;

  • The development of the work takes place in a process of constant feedback between the planning meetings, allowing the main executives and interested parties to analyze all the work developed and influence, through their opinions and commitment, the organization's future objectives.

Our work approach facilitates broader organizational involvement generating high-level planning as the end result.

We comprehensively present our "Strategic Planning Model" below:

We start with:

  • Confidential interviews with executives and other members of the planning team;

  • Preparation of a scan of the environment where the company is located;

  • Macroenvironment analysis;

  • Analysis of the organization's value chain;

  • Matrix of the 5 forces of Porter;

  • SWOT Analysis;

  • Key success factors;

  • GE Matrix;

  • Diagnosis of the company's financial and organizational health.

  • interviews

  • Environmental analysis

  • Value Chain

  • porter

  • SWOT

  • Key Success Factors

  • GE Matrix

  • Organizational Diagnosis

1st Conference

2nd Conference

  • Reviews

  • Strategies

  • tactics

3rd Conference

  • Integration with Financial Planning

  • Final review

  • Implementation plan

Headquarters - São Paulo - SP

George Ohm Street, 206 - Tower B - 10th floor - Conj. 101 B, Cidade Monções - São Paulo - SP CEP: 04576-020

[email protected]   +55 (11) 2450-7488

Commercial Whatsapp +55 (11) 99635-9488

Ribeirão Preto - Office

Srg. Sílvio Delmar Hollenbach Street, 865, cj 4, Nova Ribeirânea 
[email protected] 
Fone:  +55 (16) 98238-0110 +55 (16) 3635-6325

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